Danish Man Breaks World Record By Sticking 68 Matches In His Nose

Danish Man Breaks World Record By Sticking 68 Matches In His Nose

A Danish man has set a new Guinness World Record by sticking 68 matches in his nose, beating the previous record of 45 matches.

Peter von Tangen Buskov, 39, from Copenhagen, said he decided to take on the challenge after browsing through different world records online and finding the matchstick category.

He said he practiced for a few weeks before attempting the record, using different types and sizes of matches.

He said he was surprised by how easy it was to fit the matches in his nose, as he has large nostrils and stretchy skin.

He said he did not feel any pain or discomfort during the record attempt, which took him about 10 minutes to complete.

He said he was proud of his achievement and received a certificate from Guinness World Records.

He said he does not plan to try to break his own record anytime soon, but he might consider it in the future if his nose grows bigger.

He said he hopes his record will inspire other people to try something new and challenge themselves.