Open Letter Urges Patigi LG TIC to Prioritize Release of Ambulance for Vital Healthcare Needs


In an open letter addressed to the Transitional Implementation Committee Chairman of Patigi Local Government, Hon. Mohammad I. Liman, community advocate Comrade Ibrahim Kpada passionately urges the release of a recently procured ambulance to the Model Primary Health Care Center in Kpada, Kpada ward I, Patigi LGA, Kwara State.

Expressing admiration for Chairman Liman’s inclusive leadership style, Comrade Kpada emphasized the non-political nature of his plea, underlining the paramount importance of improving healthcare accessibility in the region.

Citing the current operational status of the ambulance at Patigi General Hospital, Comrade Kpada highlighted the urgent need to allocate resources where they are most needed. With Kpada situated 46.7km away from the hospital, he emphasized the dire consequences of delayed medical care, noting the significant loss of lives due to transportation challenges over the years.

Acknowledging the critical role of ambulance services in saving lives during medical emergencies, Comrade Kpada outlined the multifaceted benefits of timely medical care, quick transportation to hospitals, availability of medical equipment and expertise, and the potential to serve remote areas.

By advocating for the release of the ambulance to the Model Primary Health Care Center in Kpada, Comrade Kpada aims to bridge the gap in healthcare delivery and reduce mortality rates in the region.

The open letter serves as a heartfelt plea to prioritize the well-being of the community and ensure equitable access to essential healthcare services.