‘Half Child’ Horror: Mutant Calf With Human Face Terrifies Thai Village

‘Half Child’ Horror: Mutant Calf With Human Face Terrifies Thai Village

A bizarre calf with a human-like face has sparked fear and outrage in a small village in Thailand, where locals suspect foul play and bestiality.

The mutant animal was born on a farm in the Nakhon Phanom province, but died shortly after. Its unusual appearance, with a flat face and large eyes, resembled that of a human child, according to some witnesses.

“It’s a half child,” one villager said. “I was shocked when I saw it.”

The freakish birth triggered rumours of a forbidden union between a man and a cow, as some villagers accused each other of having sex with the animal.

“I’ve got to ask, did anyone romp with a cow?” another villager asked.

However, experts dismissed the speculation, saying that it was impossible for a human and a bovine to produce offspring. They explained that the calf suffered from a rare genetic mutation that caused its deformity.

“This is just a natural occurrence that is not very common,” Dr. Chawalit Kittichaikarn, a veterinarian, said. “There is no need to be afraid or superstitious.”

He added that the calf’s body would be cremated to prevent the spread of any diseases.

The incident is not the first of its kind in Thailand, where several cases of animals with human-like features have been reported in the past. In 2016, a buffalo gave birth to a calf with two heads, and in 2017, a piglet with a monkey face was born in a remote village. Both animals also died shortly after birth.