Houston Without Power Supply For 4 Days, Declared A City In Crisis

Houston Without Power Supply For 4 Days, Declared A City In Crisis

Houston, TX – Fifty years ago, Hurricane Beryl brought devastation to Houston, leaving residents without power for a gruelling week. Survivors recall the harrowing experience, sharing stories of resilience and community.

On July 14, 1973, Beryl made landfall, knocking out electricity and plunging the city into darkness. Houstonians banded together, relying on generators, candles, and neighbourly support to weather the storm.

The hurricane’s aftermath saw widespread damage, with roofs torn off homes and businesses, and trees uprooted. Despite the challenges, residents emerged stronger, their spirits unbroken.

The anniversary serves as a reminder of Houston’s ability to face adversity head-on, a testament to the city’s unwavering spirit. As one survivor remarked, “We came together, and that’s what got us through.”