How to Delete Yourself from the Internet Permanently

How to Delete Yourself from the Internet Permanently


The internet is full of information about you, from your details and social media posts to your online purchases and browsing history. This data can be used by advertisers, data brokers, hackers, and anyone who wants to know more about you. If you value your privacy and want to reduce your digital footprint, you may want to delete yourself from the internet as much as possible.


However, this is not an easy task. The internet is vast and complex, and you may have left traces of yourself on many websites and platforms over the years. Some of them may not let you delete your data easily or at all. You may also have to deal with legal regulations and technical challenges that make it hard to erase yourself.


But don’t worry, there are some steps you can take to remove most of your online presence and make it harder for others to find you. Here are some tips on how to delete yourself from the internet in 2023:


## 1. Delete your old accounts


The first step is to identify and delete any accounts you have created on various websites and services, such as social media, e-commerce, forums, blogs, etc. These accounts may contain your personal information, photos, comments, reviews, and other data that you don’t want to be public.


To find out which accounts you have, you can use a password manager that stores your login credentials for different sites. You can also search for your name, email address, username, or phone number on various search engines and see what comes up.


Once you have a list of accounts you want to delete, you need to visit each site and follow their instructions or policies for deleting your data. Some sites may require you to contact them via email or fill in a form. Others may not have the option to delete your account at all, in which case you can try to anonymize it by changing your name, email address, password, and other details.


You can also use a website like Justdelete. me that provides links to the deletion pages of many popular sites.


## 2. Update your privacy settings


For the accounts you want to keep, such as your email or banking services, you should update your privacy settings to limit how much data they collect and share about you. You can also opt out of any marketing emails or notifications they send you.


You should also check your privacy settings on your browser and devices. Again, you can disable cookies, location services, tracking features, and other options that allow websites and apps to monitor your online activity. Finally, you can also clear your browsing history, cache, and downloads regularly.


## 3. Use a better browser


Speaking of browsers, you should consider switching to a more privacy-friendly one that blocks ads and trackers by default. Some examples are Brave, Firefox, and Tor. These browsers can help you browse the web more anonymously and securely.


You can also use extensions or plugins that enhance your privacy, such as HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, or uBlock Origin. These tools can encrypt your traffic, prevent third-party tracking, and block unwanted ads and scripts.


## 4. Avoid and remove prescreened offers


Prescreened offers are advertisements that are sent to you based on your credit history or other personal information. They may come in the form of mail, email, phone calls, or online ads. They can be annoying and intrusive, and they may expose you to identity theft or fraud.


To avoid prescreened offers, you can opt out of them through the official websites of the major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, and Innovis. You can also register with the National Do Not Call Registry to stop telemarketing calls.


To remove prescreened offers that you have already received, you can shred them or delete them securely. You can also unsubscribe from any mailing lists or newsletters that send you unwanted offers.


## 5. Install a VPN

A VPN (virtual private network) is a service that encrypts your internet traffic and routes it through a remote server in another location. This hides your IP address and location from the websites and services you visit, making it harder for them to track you or identify you.

A VPN can also help you access geo-restricted content, bypass censorship, and protect your data from hackers and snoopers on public Wi-Fi networks.

There are many VPN providers available online, but not all of them are trustworthy or reliable. You should do some research before choosing one that suits your needs and budget. Some of the best VPNs in 2023 are ExpressVPN, NordVPN, Surfshark, CyberGhost, and ProtonVPN.


## 6. Consider a data removal service


If you want to save time and effort, you can use a dedicated data removal service that can help you delete yourself from the internet. These services can scan the web for your personal information and request its removal from various websites and data brokers.

Some of the best data removal services in 2023 are Incogni, DeleteMe, OneRep, and BrandYourself. These services charge a fee for their work, but they can save you a lot of hassle and ensure that your data is removed as thoroughly as possible.


## 7. Contact Google and other website owners

Even if you delete your accounts and data from various websites and services, they may still appear on Google or other search engines. This is because search engines cache or store copies of web pages in their servers, and they may take some time to update their results.


To remove your information from Google, you can use its removal tools to request the deletion of specific URLs or images that contain your para. You can also use its legal removals tool to request the removal of content that violates your privacy rights, such as revenge porn, personal financial information, or medical records.


However, Google can only remove content from its results, not from the price. Therefore, you should also contact the owners or administrators of the websites that host your information and ask them to remove it. You can use tools like Whois or ICANN Lookup to find out their contact details.


## 8. Be more careful where you go online


The final step is to be more careful about where you go online and what you share online in the future. You should avoid creating unnecessary accounts or profiles on websites or services that you don’t trust or need. You should also avoid posting personal or sensitive information on public platforms or forums.


Again, you should also use strong passwords and two-factor authentication for your online accounts, and change them regularly. And finally, you should also use different email addresses for different purposes, and avoid using your real name or personal details as your username or display name.


Also, you should be wary of phishing emails, spam messages, or suspicious links that may try to trick you into revealing your information or installing malware on your device. You should also review your privacy settings and permissions for the websites and apps you use, and revoke any access that you don’t need.


Finally, you should consider going anonymous online by using tools like Tor, VPNs, or anonymous browsers that can hide your identity and activity from prying eyes. You can also use encrypted messaging apps like Signal, Telegram, or Wickr to communicate securely with others.


## Conclusion

Deleting yourself from the internet is not an easy or quick process, but it is possible to remove most of your online presence and make it harder for others to find you. By following the steps above, you can reduce your digital footprint and protect your privacy online.


However, you should also remember that the internet is constantly changing and evolving, and new sources of information may emerge over time. Therefore, you should keep an eye on your online reputation and monitor any changes or updates that may affect you.


You should also be aware of the trade-offs and consequences of deleting yourself from the internet. You may lose access to some online services or features that require your personal information. And, you may also miss out on some opportunities or benefits that depend on your online presence. You may also face some challenges or difficulties in verifying your identity or proving your credentials online.


Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of deleting yourself from the internet before making a decision. You should also consider your goals and reasons for doing so, and choose the best option for your situation.


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