I Am Not Transgender, I Am A Woman With A Beard”: Woman With Rare Condition Speaks Out

I Am Not Transgender, I Am A Woman With A Beard”: Woman With Rare Condition Speaks Out

Elsie, a Tanzanian woman who suffers from a rare condition that causes her to grow facial hair, has opened up about her struggles in an interview with Wasafi Media.

The 32-year-old mother of one has been living with Hirsutism, a hormonal disorder that affects about 5-10% of women, since she was a child. Hirsutism causes excessive hair growth on the face, chest, back, and other parts of the body.

Elsie said that she has faced many challenges and hardships because of her condition, especially in her love life. She said that many men are afraid to date her or fall in love with her because they think she is transgender.

She also said that she has been tagged a transgender by many people who do not understand her condition, and that she often faces discrimination and ridicule from society.

Elsie said that she has accepted herself the way she is and that she believes that God created her this way for a purpose. She said that she is not different from other women, and that she has been blessed with a daughter who loves her unconditionally.

“I accepted myself because it’s natural. I was given by God. But there are a lot of challenges that I do face. Some people think I am transgender, but I would like to clarify that I am a woman. I have been blessed with one daughter and I am just okay. Many people wonder when they see me because I look different, but I am just like any other woman. Men fear me and they go around asking my friends if I am a real woman or transgender,” she said.

Elsie said that she hopes that her story will inspire other women who suffer from Hirsutism or similar conditions to embrace themselves and not let society define them. She also urged people to be more compassionate and respectful towards people who are different from them.

“I want to tell other women who have the same condition as me to be confident and proud of themselves. They should not let anyone make them feel less than they are. They should also seek medical help if they need it. And I want to tell people who judge us to stop doing that. We are human beings, we have feelings, we have dreams, we have rights. We deserve respect and love, just like anyone else,” she said.