Pastor Claims Divine Instruction in Stepdaughter Abuse Case

Pastor Claims Divine Instruction in Stepdaughter Abuse Case

Osogbo, Osun State – A disturbing case has emerged involving a 16-year-old girl who has accused her stepfather, a pastor named Femi, of sexual abuse and forced abortion. The victim, who resides in Osogbo, reported the matter to the World Institute for Peace (WIP), a Non-Governmental Organisation, seeking alternative dispute resolution.

In an affidavit sworn at the Osun State Ministry of Justice, the girl alleged that her stepfather began abusing her when she was 12 years old. She became pregnant at 13, and Femi took her to a hospital for an abortion, instructing her to lie to the doctor about the pregnancy’s origin.

The victim disclosed that the abuse continued for about four years and was first reported to her school teacher. During a meeting with WIP officials, she recounted her ordeal, stating, “The first time he had intercourse with me was on my mother’s bed, and he has been doing it continuously.”

Femi, who also works as a commercial motorcyclist, admitted to the crime during the meeting. He claimed, “It is true I slept with her although I don’t remember the number of times I did it with her. I’m a pastor, and it was God who told me to sleep with her. God also told me to abort the pregnancy.”

The victim chose not to pursue legal action to avoid disrupting her younger siblings’ lives, as her mother had four children with Femi, two of whom are deceased. The affidavit, sworn by the victim’s mother, confirmed the family’s decision to resolve the matter through alternative dispute resolution facilitated by WIP.

This case highlights the severe impact of abuse and the complex decisions victims and their families face in seeking justice and resolution.